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Professional Workshops

Trauma;  Dissociation;  Amnesia


These workshops can be booked on the Events Page of this website.

The overarching theme of my workshops is Trauma, Dissociation and the Amnesia that can result.

I am currently completing a PhD on Dissociative Amnesia and this is an end result of work I began with my Master's work on Vicarious Trauma.

Trauma comes in many forms and with different manifestations for many individuals and an early starting for looking at trauma has been the triggers that for one person that results in trauma yet for another might result in a mild discomfort, or less.  Trauma is something to be considered in relation to the situation, the environment, and the availability of relational support in the actual situation and historically in the person's life.

Supervisee Professional Development

Alongside the provision of small group and individual SPD there are also workshop days provided for anyone to attend.

SPD Workshops will have a theme of exploration and discussion of approach and underlying concepts.

These provide the opportunity to consider other approaches to specific case examples brought to the workshop in an atmosphere of curiosity.

Part of the intent of these workshops will be to deliver a model of practice based research that closely aligns itself with clinical experience.

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